Basic Income: New Policies for a New World

Thanks to everyone who attended “Basic Income: New Policies for a New World!” A recording of the full summit is now available on YouTube. We were thrilled to bring together such a large and passionate group to discuss the potential of a Basic Income in Newfoundland and Labrador. We hope you learned as much as we did!

An aerial view of a rocky coastline with snow covering the rocks and grass. The water is clear blue-green with small waves.


Date: September 29th, 2022

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. N.D.T.

Location: Online, via Zoom


9:30 A.M. Opening Remarks

9:40 A.M. Basic Income Crash Course - Sheila Regehr

10:00 A.M. Basic Income in Atlantic Canada: Progress and Opportunities - Steven Wolinetz, Mandy Raining Bird, Bruce Knox, Kristen Lowitt

10:50 A.M. Break

11:00 A.M. Basic Income in Atlantic Canada Q & A

11:25 A.M. Break

11:55 A.M. Lunch and Address by Honourable John Abbott, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development

12:30 P.M. Keynote Talk - Leah Gazan

1:10 P.M. Breakout Rooms

1:30 P.M. Break

1:40 P.M. Ontario Basic Income Pilot: Experiences and Lessons - Tom Cooper, Jodi Dean, Chloe Halpenny, Elaine Power

2:45 P.M. Concluding Remarks - Sister Elizabeth Davis

3:00 P.M. Event Conclusion


Participants will learn more about basic income and its impact on the Social Determinants of Health with national experts and participants from a previous basic income pilot project.

This event will bring together diverse community groups and stakeholder groups from across Newfoundland and Labrador to raise awareness and build future partnerships. During the event, there will be many opportunities for discussion in breakout rooms, sharing ideas, and engaging with presenters (but only if you want to, of course!).

“Basic Income: New Policies for a New World” is organized by Food First NL and the NL Centre for Applied Health Research in partnership with members of the Basic Income NL network: the Community Sector Council NL, Social Justice Cooperative NL, End Homelessness St. John’s, and Choices for Youth.